Heating Oil Prices: Receive A Quote For Your Area Today

Bilsland is a long-established family business with over 50 years of experience. We are on a mission to make buying fuel and keeping warm an easy process for our customers. We sell home heating oil as well as other commercial fuels, bottled gas, lubricants and licensed Ad-blue. Delivering to homes throughout West, Southern and Central Scotland, along with the North Of England. With our competitive prices and quick lead times, you won’t be disappointed.


Online Support & ordering

Many of us like to order our goods and services on-line, so we have introduced a very user-friendly system to do just that. If you’re a new customer you will be given the option to open an account so it’s even simpler when you next need to stock up. Our live chat is available Monday- Friday 8am-5pm for any queries or enquires you may have.


During office hours we are happy to take your order by phone. Just call 01360 660264 and one of our friendly staff will assist you.


We can accommodate short lead times for ordering fuel. After completing your purchase we will contact you to advise you of the delivery date. If you have run-out let us know and we can adjust our deliveries accordingly.

Oil Tank Service

Our drivers will test your oil storage facility to ensure that it is fit for purpose before filling up, as a small leak can be expensive to clean up and cost you in lost fuel. If you suspect there is damage to your tank we offer a Tank Health Service to our customers. Our engineer will do an overall inspection of your tank and check if any water is present. We can then remove the water or if your tank is damaged, have it replaced.


At James D Bilsland we find that it is important to prioritise vulnerable and elderly customers in severe weather conditions. That’s why we’ve taken it upon us to join the cold weather priority scheme. The Cold Weather Priority Initiative has been developed by the UK and Ireland Fuel Distributors Association (UKIFDA) and identifies heating oil customers, aged 75+, who are most vulnerable to cold conditions in order to ensure their homes are heated. Read more about our cold weather priority scheme here


Our pricing is very competitive and updated regularly to ensure that we offer a fair price. Contact our Live Chat for our daily price or contact us on 01360 660264.


At Bilslands we understand that being able to spread the cost of your home heating oil can help with managing your bills. That’s why our Monthly Budget Payment plan is designed to make it as easy as possible for families to manage their heating oil expenses. Find out more about our budget payment plan


Finally, we can install a remote monitoring system that will alert us when you need a top-up of fuel. This is the easiest way of ensuring that you never have to worry about running out of oil. Find out more about our remote monitoring system here 

Get A Price Today!

Fill in our quote form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible via email.