Cold Weather Priority Scheme

At James D Bilsland we find that it is important to prioritise vulnerable and elderly customers in severe weather conditions. The Cold Weather Priority Initiative has been developed by UK and Ireland Fuel Distributors Association (UKIFDA) and identifies heating oil customers, aged 75+, who are most vulnerable to cold conditions in order to ensure their homes are heated.


There are around 40,000 avoidable deaths where cold is a significant contributing factor in the UK each year and 80 per cent of these deaths occur in people aged 75 and over according to NICE (National institute of clinical excellence).

If you or a member of your household is aged 75+, you can register for free to receive priority deliveries during colder weather or for when you are running low. Just fill in the form below or contact us on 01360 660264.

For more information, visit the official UKIFDA Cold Weather Priority website Here